Árni og Kristín

Opið eða bara afhelgað?

Nick Baines, biskup í Leeds:

[T]he French secularism being lauded in the popular response to the massacre in Paris is not noble and is not what is understood by ‘secularism’ elsewhere. It is one thing to deprivilege religion in the public square; it is something else entirely to be anti-religion to the point of wanting to wipe it out. The myth of neutrality is just that: the public square is either open to all – including religion – or it privileges those who believe that it is open to all except religions. Neutral it is not.

Það er grundvallarspurning hvort samfélagið okkar, hvort almannarýmið, er opið fyrir alls konar hugmyndir, þar með talið þær trúarlegu, eða hvort það er opið fyrir allt-nema-trú.

Ps. Lesið líka pistilinn eftir Giles Fraser sem Baines vísar til. Hann gefur innsýn í sögulegt samhelgi afhelgunar fransks samfélags.

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