Tamas Fabiny er höfuðbiskup lúthersku kirkjunnar í Ungverjalandi. Í pistli sem birtist á vef Lútherska heimssambandsins horfir hann 75 ár aftur í tímann, þegar fyrstu ungversku Gyðingarnir voru fluttir í fangabúðir:
I recently met Éva Fahidi, a 93-year-old holocaust survivor. She was able to recall her story in detail. She lost her parents and an 11-year-old sister, as well as other family members. She also met Josef Mengele, the ‘angel of death’ in person. She remembers standing naked, with her head shaved, waiting for her fate to be fulfilled. […]
Tamas Fabiny
The Holocaust did not start with the gas chambers, but with vulgar jokes, provocations and social exclusion. Sadly, we see today how people use the word ‘Christian’ to mean ‘anti-Jewish’ and how prayer and hatred may exist side by side in someone’s thoughts and heart.
Þetta er brýn áminning andspænis hatursorðræðu. Við eigum að læra af sögunni og gæta okkar minnstu systkina – hverrar trúar sem þau eru. Frumskyldan er að standa með þeim sem minna mega sín.