Árni og Kristín

A prayer for refugees

Almighty God, you so loved the world that you became one of us. Help us hear your calling to also love the world and serve our neighbour. Help us make room for those who come to our countries from afar and make them feel welcome. Make us willing to share the resources we are so blessed with.

Loving God, you made us in your image. Help us see your image in every man, woman and child we meet. Let us remember that the sea of refugees in the world consists of individuals with their own names, own history, special experiences and dreams. Each and every one is created in your image, endlessly worthy and holy. Each and every one is precious to you and holds endless worth in your eyes.

God of life, we thank you for your son, who became one of the many who are forced to leave their homes in search for security and shelter. We pray for all children who suffer and are afraid, because their homes are not safe. We pray for all children who are on the run, who are living in camps or in unsafe places. We pray for those children who did not make the journey to safety alive.

Gracious Lord, we thank you for those who seek protection and new life in our homecountry. Let us see their gifts and talents so they can be included in a loving and serving community. Give authorities eyes of love and courage, so they might respect every human being, no matter where they come from. Give peace and righteousness in our world.

We pray through your son and our brother, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Written for the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle of the WCC.

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