Árni og Kristín


Færslur um hvaðeina sem okkur þykir áhugavert. Notaðu hnappana til að sía eða flettu gegnum allt.

  • Vinstri, kristni, hræsni

    Giles Fraser:

    Hypocrisy is an accusation often levelled at two groups in particular: lefties and the religious. And the thing that both these groups have in common is that they both want to employ a moral vision to redesign the world. Which opens the possibility of professing a position that one fails fully to live up to – ie hypocrisy. Indeed, unless one is a saint, I cannot see how it is possible to be a Christian and not a hypocrite. To my mind, this hypocrisy is a near inevitable consequence of taking any sort of moral stand.

    Fraser fléttar saman kristni, vinstriáherslur í pólitík og hræsni um leið og hann minnir á að við eigum að taka afstöðu og gera kröfur, til okkar sjálfra og annarra, jafnvel þótt við getum ekki alltaf risið undir þeim.

  • Önnur hlið á því þegar Stephen Fry hittir Guð

    Giles Fraser:

    This is why the Jesus story is, for me, the most theologically revolutionary story that there can be. Because it imagines God and power separated. God as a baby. God poor. God helpless on a cross. God with a mocking and ironic crown of thorns. In these scenes it is Caesar who has the power. And so the question posed is: which one will you follow when push comes to shove? You can follow what is right and get strung up for it. Or you can cosy up to power and do as you are told. By saying that he will stare ultimate power in the face and, without fear, call it by its real name, Fry has indicated he is on the side of the angels (even though he does not believe in them). Indeed, Fry is following in a long tradition of religious polemic, from Job to Blake and beyond.

    Lykilspurningin er nefnilega sú hvaða mynd þú hefur af Guði. Hvort kemur á undan? Valdið eða kærleikurinn? Er Guð vald eða er Guð kærleikur?